Tuesday, April 07, 2015

A waste of time

Here's a good video in case you ever wonder “Am I wasting my time geeking out on this drumming nonsense? Does anyone really care if I get such-and-such particular little drum thing together?” The answer is: yes, you are, and no, they don't. But everybody who's any good at anything wastes vast quantities of time on things no one is really going to ever fully appreciate. It's just what you do. For example:

You'll also enjoy the movie Comedian, which follows Seinfeld through the process of developing a new stand-up act, after some years away from that medium. It's really about the professional ethic of comedians, which is not that different from that of musicians. The full movie is after the break:

1 comment:

ggill1970 said...

Such a great point, Todd. The process and journey is reward enough if you are INTO it.

I do think that practicing some of the (more "out") drum patterns are a waste when they don't align w/ your unique style.